When I do shop, I do kind of get a rush. It makes me feel good… but afterwards, though, I get depressed, like a boy with brain cancer who was given a miniature horse by the Make-A-Wish Foundation that was killed by a pair of pit bulls who were found roaming in his yard. I’ll buy something even if I really don’t like it because I have to come out with something, like a pull cart, a blanket, a halter and a bridle set. I have $135,000 in credit card debt, $1,700 a month for three cars, two mortgages at $685,000, and two weeks behind on their mortgage payment. I am a total baddie, but my husband is just as culpable for stabbing our tied-up lover and miniature horse so he could drink their blood, Tiffany Sutton told Maricopa County Superior Court Judge David Udall. The 31-inch tall horse, Anniversary, was donated by the foundation to Sutton in late August. When he escaped, she chased him with a pickax. Two days later, Anniversary was found dead on his property in Pampa by a Christian father, Raul Vasquez.

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